Welcome to Fixthephoto Partner Programs

Partners choose us for convenient and transparent solutions. Everything is available online and everyone can attract new customers. Join us – become a partner at Fixthephoto!

Generate Leads

Become our partner and recommend the photo editing services of Fixthephoto to others and thereby start earning right now.

Our awesome features
Win-Win Strategy

While your customers receive discounts/credits/crystals, you will also receive attractive commissions for the affiliate program.

Our awesome features
3 Communication Channels

Regardless of where your customer enters the referral code: on the website, within the app, or via e-mail –all referral sources will be accepted.

Our awesome features
Follow the Market Leader

Fixthephoto is a leader in manual and professional photo editing industry. We offer an unlimited variety of services.

Our awesome features
Client Portal | Internal Tools | Web App Builder | Free Website Builder Made with Softr